Micro Fiber Towels and Napkins

Two things I always have with me in travel mode, micro fiber towels and napkins.

In my travels, one thing that has happened to me time and time again, is I am staying overnight at someones house and go to take a shower and there's no towel, or I don't feel right using them such as decorative towels in a guest bathroom. Enter the micro fiber towel. I keep a couple of 12" by 12" micro fiber towels in my travel bag and with one of those, I can get enough water off of me to get dressed, ring it out and hang it up to dry. It's not as nice as oversized fluffy towel on a towel warmer in a ritzy hotel, but it gets the job done. Many times, I have been glad I had them. If I have to use them to clean up an ugly mess and throw them away, I don't feel a big loss.

I keep napkins in my pocket when I travel. A common problem I run into, is I go into a public restroom, want to wash my face after eating and there are only air hand dryers. Grab a napkin from my pocket and I am happy. But this really got started almost five years ago, when one of my cousin's baby was born. My cousin would put the baby in my arms and shortly, the little guy would puke on me. I learned to always be prepared for the puke. He had another little boy in September and at Christmas, the new little guy managed to get almost all my shirts in my carry on, save one or two. I love holding the little guy, you just really have to be on your guard if you are face to face. But the napkins in pocket save me and mostly its just a little wet burp and not much to clean up.


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